When faced with a legal predicament, you undoubtedly want to handle the situation in the best way possible. As someone who may not have a working knowledge of the law when it comes to civil litigation, family law matters, defending against criminal charges or seeing a...
Month: May 2021
What should you expect out of the probate process?
The passing of a loved one is not an easy experience to bear. Even if you anticipated the person’s passing, you likely hoped that time would slow down and you could be together for as long as possible. Unfortunately, that did not happen, and as the executor of your...
Recent study highlights the dangers of distracted driving
There are a variety of components that influence a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. One of the most pressing concerns could pertain to the possible presence of inattention, as reports indicate that distracted driving continues to play a role in many...
Seeking advice on the possible benefits of co-parenting
When facing the end of a marriage, many parents in Georgia and elsewhere may consider it a priority to make decisions based on what is best for their kids. However, this might not always be an easy process, as topics such child custody can also be highly contested...
Car accident in Georgia kills 6, injuries 10
When a driver attempts to change lanes without ensuring there is enough space to safely navigate the maneuver, others nearby may struggle to react to the situation in time to avoid a possible disaster. Even if the other vehicle is able to avoid a rear-end collision,...
Investigation into string of accidents leads to DUI charges
Being accused of involvement in numerous motor vehicle accidents in a brief period can be a stressful experience. Should investigations into such incidents also raise suspicion of the presence of further unlawful activity, the subject thereof might feel shaken up and...