Starting this past Thursday over 250 extra police officers will be in Richmond County assisting the Sheriff’s Office in cracking down on impaired and reckless drivers in what has been dubbed “Operation Thunder.” The three month campaign is sponsored by the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, and its stated mission is “to detect Georgia’s high-crash areas and reduce mounting highway deaths and serious injuries by introducing a high visibility law enforcement presence to possibly deter the extreme and illegal driving behaviors of careless motorists who cause those crashes.”
The taskforce’s goal in Richmond County will be to show a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and injuries during the three-month initiative, and has been brought on by a 131 percent increase in fatalities in the county over the past two years. Plans to reduce wrecks and raise awareness of reckless driving not only include more officers in the area and road checks, but also the distribution of literature and announcements through various media outlets.
Check out the Metro Spirit’s article on this matter for more information on the campaign here: Operation Thunder