As a parent, you want to prioritize your child's well-being, especially after a divorce from your ex-spouse. Aside from providing emotional support, your child also deserves the financial support they need to thrive and maintain a consistent quality of life....
Child Support
Failure to pay child support: detrimental to one’s well-being
Children are expensive. A person would have a difficult time finding someone in Georgia to disagree with that statement. Parents who are together and working may struggle to provide care, but this task becomes exceptionally more difficult if the parents divorce....
What is child support intended to cover?
One of the most contentious parts of a divorce in Georgia frequently concerns child support issues. The noncustodial parent typically pays child support to the custodial parent. Many child support arrangements are part of the divorce settlement and are mandated by the...
Going to extremes to avoid paying child support
Divorce can be contentious. Add child support to the mix in Georgia and the stress and anxiety rise incrementally. Once child support amounts are settled, they need to be paid. If a parent disappears, is presumed dead, and then reappears, what is the implication for...
Georgia’s new plan to help with child support
Child custody and child support can be two of the most stressful factors in the outcome of a divorce. Living up to child support commitments can place additional strain on an already stressful situation. The courts in Georgia are trying to alleviate some of that...
Failure to pay child support could have criminal consequences
A man in another state has recently learned that failing to financially support his child has criminal consequences. Parents in Georgia who also neglect to pay child support may face the same fate as this gentleman. Thankfully, it is possible to avoid such...
Taxes and credit to be considered in Georgia property division
Divorce can affect one in nearly every area of life, including emotionally and financially. It can be incredibly stressful to move from being a couple to being an individual. Working through property division can be an especially daunting task as there are many things...
Understanding the various aspects of child support in Georgia
Determining child custody and support are major decisions that parents have to make if they decide to separate or divorce. Even if the couple is not married, once their parental rights have been established, they have to figure out how financial support will be...
What is necessary to receive child support in Georgia
In the midst of a divorce, one may also have to work through child custody arrangements. These agreements involve deciding a custodial and non-custodial party, or co-parenting. Additionally, custody arrangements may include child support. Georgia parents have numerous...
Some Georgia parents likely hoping for child support reforms
Single parenting has become more and more common across the United States in the last couple of decades. In Georgia, child custody arrangements and child support have become necessary as non-traditional families have become more prevalent. Since women used to be the...