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Prenups can ease property division woes

On Behalf of | Nov 1, 2013 | Divorce |

Ask virtually anyone in Georgia who has gone through a difficult divorce whether or not they wish that they had drafted a prenuptial agreement, and you are likely to get a predictable response. Having this document in place can stave off a number of property division woes in the event that a marriage ends in divorce. Ask those same individuals if they believed that a prenup was necessary at the time they said “I do,” and very few will say that they did. Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20, and that may be more true in matters of the heart than in any other area of life.

Broaching the subject of a prenuptial agreement may be a difficult task, but it is one that more and more couples are willing to tackle. Recent research suggests that women are initiating the drafting of prenups more often now than ever before. In a survey of members of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, nearly half of respondents stated that they have noted an increase in the number of women requesting prenups in recent years.

The willingness to address the issue may be related to economic factors. As the recent recession tested the financial stability of Americans, many became more aware of what assets they hold, and how quickly those assets can be depleted. As a result, more people are prepared to protect their wealth by any means available. Drafting a prenuptial agreement may be viewed as less of a statement of mistrust about the marriage, and more as an additional measure of financial planning.

Georgia couples who are interested in learning more about the value that a prenuptial agreement can bring should research the matter further. A family law attorney can go through the structure of these contracts, and explain how such a document can assist in the event of a divorce and property division process. As with any financial matter, making a decision becomes easier when all of the facts are on the table.

Source: Huffington Post, Prenuptial Agreements Are on the Rise, And More Women Are Requesting Them, No author, Oct. 22, 2013


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