Adoption, both domestic and international, provides thousands of children without homes a family to call their own. Adopting children from nations where the number of orphans is enormous has a tendency to be a sure thing, instead of a situation in which a parent may suddenly change his or her mind. The hope adopting a child can bring to everyone involved is truly a beautiful thing to be a part of. Adoption in Georgia can change the life of a child without a family and a family without a child.
Russia’s orphans have been large recipients of American adoptions until their government placed a ban on all adoptions by American families. Though the reason for this is said to be the condition of those adopted once they are living in the United States, some believe it was actually a political move. Regardless, thousands of Americans in the midst of adopting a child, and also those beginning to learn about the process, were shocked and devastated to learn they would not be getting their child, after all.
Through this saddening situation, those still seeking to adopt internationally turned to the Ukraine. Many who had been turned away from Russia were able to look to the Ukraine and have since been able to bring home numerous children. The Ukrainian government and adoption system has been highly cooperative with Americans going through with international adoptions. Despite the fear that they, too, could close their doors to adoptions by those from the United States, the Ukraine seems to be putting in great effort to increase the number of adoptions, domestically and internationally.
Adopting internationally can sometimes be expensive, tedious, time-consuming and trying, especially when the government complicates the process. However, the opportunities for both international and domestic adoptions are vast. Georgia families seeking to bring a child into their home should make sure they have a good understanding of what the process takes and what they are looking for. No matter how difficult or daunting the adoption process may seem, the results are worth the wait and work.
Source: The Daily Beast, Ukraine Is Americas New Adoption Mecca, Tina Traster, Feb. 1, 2014