Adoption is an amazing way to provide a home and family for a child who may not have had those things otherwise. Often, couples looking to adopt are unable to have children themselves. However, this is not the sole motive behind adoption and many other families have gone through the adoption process in order to change the life of a child. Georgia families looking into adopting, no matter the reason, have a wide variety of resources available.
Adoption varies from couple to couple regarding the timeline, expense and the number of children. The process is also quite different when the child is being adopted internationally. As couples look into adopting, the challenges that are commonly associated with international adoption are rather well-known. One aspect that may be overlooked is the transition following adoption.
Bringing a child with a unique background into one’s home can cause some awkward situations, both for the child and the family. Children from a different culture or of another race may have a hard time transitioning into their new life if there is no one else of that same culture to associate with, which can cause emotional stress for the child. It eases the process of integrating into a new and different family if this new family makes the effort to include aspects of the child’s culture and background in their lives.
While many people understand that international adoptions come with a number of challenges, they tend to look no further than the process itself. However, as children of various cultures attempt to become part of a Georgia family, there may be background and social issues to overcome. Remembering that an adoption does not end after the child is brought into their home is important for couples looking into this process. This can help both parents and children bond as they settle into their lives as a family.
Source:, “Adopting a Child From a Different Race, Ethnicity or Culture“, , Sep. 1, 2014