Divorce at any age creates challenges and obstacles that may last well into the future. This is especially true of divorces that occur later on in life. Those involved are often approaching retirement. Spouses considering divorce in Georgia have resources available to explain the process and offer suggestions about the best steps to take to be fully prepared.
A recent study notes that in a 20-year span, divorces in the baby boomer generation more than doubled. The research indicates that this rise in divorce at an older age has had a significant impact on women. Rather than retiring around the age of 50 or 60, women who divorced later in life can often be found working full-time between the ages of 50 and 74.
The rise of the age of divorcing couples directly relates to a percentage increase in the likelihood of a woman to work full-time in her 60s and 70s. Choosing to get a divorce makes quite the impact on decisions concerning all aspects of their lives. If someone in an older age group is considering a divorce, it is crucial to be prepared.
Divorce affects one’s finances, emotions and overall health and comes with its own unique challenges. This is particularly evident in divorce that occurs later in life, since the two parties may have shared everything for a lengthy period of time. Those beginning or thinking about the divorce process can seek the assistance of a Georgia family law professional who can to assist them with plans regarding retirement accounts and other financial concerns.
Source: CBS News, “The devastation of divorce for older women“, Aimee Picchi, Oct. 21, 2016