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Georgia family lawyers can assist with child custody arrangements

On Behalf of | Nov 17, 2016 | Child Custody |

Children are greatly influenced by their parents, especially in their early years as they are developing emotionally, physically, mentally and socially. The roles that children’s parents play in their lives can affect how those children build and maintain relationships throughout the rest of their lives. Those families going through divorce in Georgia can create a child custody arrangement that best meets the needs of their children.

The first six years of life are especially important in the development of emotional attachment in children. They are also developing the strength to tolerate when their needs go unmet for a period of time, the motivation to work and learn, and how to understand lasting relationships. Parents that have decided to go through the divorce process with young children should keep these developmental aspects in mind as they work to create a child custody arrangement.

As two parties work through the process of developing a custody agreement, it is important to remember that it should be in the best interest of the children, rather than a particular parent. While divorce can be a stressful and emotional time for children, a good custody arrangement can continue to foster a loving relationship between the children and both of their parents. When this is the case, children can come through divorce being positively impacted.

Children whose parents are working through a divorce continue to develop emotionally and relationally. While the divorce may be trying, it is important for parents to keep the developmental needs of their children in mind as they create a child custody arrangement. Legal professionals in Georgia family law can assist with this process, providing guidance to parents trying to provide for their children.

Source:, “Parenting & Divorce: Protecting The Emotional Development Of Children Amid Parents’ Separation”, Jaweria Asif, Nov. 11, 2016


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