Children of all ages spend time in the foster care system, moving from home to home and waiting to be adopted. Families in Georgia interested in adoption may choose to adopt a child from foster care, giving him or her the forever home for which they have been waiting. Family lawyers can assist these prospective adoptive parents as they work through this process.
One new mother in another state has experienced the joy that comes through foster care adoption. After being approved as a foster parent, this adoptive mother offered to care for a little boy that was a foster child at another parent’s house. After their four days together, she was in love and knew that she would adopt this child if presented with the opportunity.
A few months later, she had a reason to celebrate as she filled out the adoption paperwork. This mom now has a precious 2-year-old son and hopes to foster and maybe adopt again in the future. While many hesitate to foster because of the sadness that may come when children have to be let go, she would not trade the experience for anything. Her adopted son makes it all the more sweet.
Adopting children from the foster care system gives them the family for which they have been longing. Even more so, it changes the life of the family that is involved. Georgia family lawyers can provide guidance throughout the adoption process, allowing it to go smoothly and with minimal stress. Whether one chooses to adopt through foster care or internationally, these professionals have experience with a variety of cases and can be incredibly beneficial to prospective adoptive families.
Source:, “Worth the Risk”, Danielle Woodward, July 9, 2017