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Child custody: What to do when modifications are required

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2018 | Child Custody |

One of the biggest challenges divorced couples in Georgia can face is determining who will have custody of the children. It is difficult enough when both parents reside in the same geographical area. But what happens when one parent needs to relocate for a job, or to care for ailing or elderly parents, or for some other unforeseen reason? In this instance, modifications will need to be made to the existing child custody agreement.

In a recent case, a custodial father requested a modification to allow him and his child to relocate to another state. In this instance, the court considered if the move would be in the best interest of the child. The court assessed whether the move provided a significant improvement in the economic, emotional and educational situation for the child. The court ruled in favor of the father and the custody order was modified to allow the mother six weeks with her child in the summer.

If children are old enough to understand what is going on, they may see themselves as being at fault for the family’s problems. If a modification to a child custody arrangement becomes necessary, parents may want to address the change with their child and make it clear that the child is not to blame for the change. Any love and support the parents can offer may prove to be beneficial in the long run.

Raising children separately in Georgia is challenging. Having to make modifications to existing custody arrangements can be very difficult and possibly traumatizing to a child. Divorced parents facing such a challenge may benefit from speaking with an experienced family law attorney. A revised child custody agreement that works for all parties will be to the child’s benefit.

Source:, “Two Island child visitation cases yield key rulings (commentary)“, Daniel Leddy, April 17, 2018


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