You undoubtedly do not want to find yourself involved in a car accident. Even more so, you do not want to have an accident while your child is also in the vehicle. Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon, and try as you might to protect your child, he or she could still suffer injuries in the event of a crash.
If the situation is serious, it is possible that a trip to the emergency room may be necessary. While this idea may seem frightening, your child may need immediate medical attention that only professionals can provide. In fact, it may prove wise to allow EMS workers to take your child by ambulance.
When to call an ambulance
In some cases, your child may need to go to the emergency room, and you can drive him or her there yourself. For instance, if your child has a high fever and your primary doctor’s office is closed, taking your child the ER yourself may be warranted. However, under the following circumstances, you should let medical personnel transport your child by ambulance:
- Your child has uncontrolled bleeding.
- Your child is unconscious.
- Your child is having a seizure.
- Your child has suffered a head injury.
- Your child may have suffered a neck or spine injury.
- Your child has difficulty breathing.
Any of these and other serious outcomes could result from a car accident. After an injury-causing crash, it is always advisable to call an ambulance to the scene as you likely cannot assess the extent of the injuries yourself, and you could also possibly be injured and in need of medical attention.
At the ER
If you did not suffer injuries but your child did, you may understandably feel frightened, and your child likely will also. You may be at the emergency room for hours as medical staff perform tests, decide on treatments and handle your child’s care. Your child will likely need a great deal of comfort during this time, and you will likely also need to provide medical staff with information regarding your child’s medical history. Having the following information at the ready may prove useful:
- Inform the staff of any medications your child is currently taking.
- Tell the staff about any relevant family medical history.
- Let the staff know if your child has any allergies.
- Disclose any recent illnesses, previous hospitalizations or previous surgeries your child has had.
It can feel disconcerting to have to provide such information during an overwhelming and stressful time, but these details can help staff members ensure that they properly care for your child.
After the ER
Hopefully, your ER trip will not be long-lasting, and doctors will treat your child and send you home with a recovery plan. Still, you may receive a substantial medical bill after the visit, and your child may need additional trips for medical care and check-ups during recovery. As a result, you could face significant financial losses. However, you could file a personal injury claim against the driver considered at fault for the injury-causing accident in efforts to seek compensation for those losses and other damages permitted under Georgia state law.