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January is popular month for divorce filings

On Behalf of | Dec 30, 2019 | Divorce |

For people in Georgia, the holiday season is often a time of family gatherings and parties. When January rolls around, however, many couples decide that its time to file the divorce paperwork. The month of January is called “divorce month” by some people in the legal community because so many people choose to file for divorce at this time.

January is the start of the New Year, and some people may want to file their divorce paperwork now so that their divorce is completed before the summer rolls around. Other people may simply have been delaying a divorce until after the holiday season was over. If a divorcing couple has children together, they may not have wanted to let their kids know about the divorce while festivities were ongoing.

There are more people filing for divorce in January, and there may be more people thinking about it as well. According to data from Google Trends, searches for the word “divorce” hit their peak during the week of January 6-12. In January, people also tend to search for “divorce party” more often when they are on Pinterest. Actual divorce filings rise in January, as evidenced by a 2016 study from the University of Washington.

Divorces in January are just as complicated as any other time of the year, and it is important for a divorcing spouse to seek legal representation. A divorce attorney may help a divorcing spouse make sure that they have all of the supporting documentation they need to negotiate for a fair settlement. If there are children involved, an attorney can help prepare the divorcing parent for child custody negotiations.


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