When confronted with the possibility of being involved in a traffic stop, most individuals might not know how best to respond to the situation. The stress of the scenario might cause a person to make decisions that might otherwise be unthinkable, and such actions may only add to the severity of the situation. A man in Georgia is facing DUI charges following a recent incident that is said to have resulted in a brief police pursuit that left a vehicle sinking in a nearby lake.
Reports of a high-speed chase
Reports indicate that the incident took place after authorities attempted to initiate a routine traffic stop. While many of the details pertaining to the reasons behind the stop remain unclear, police claim that the driver tried to flee the scene, prompting a brief pursuit. Authorities say that the pursuit reached speeds of up to 130 mph and ended after the driver collided with a barrier and began to roll toward a nearby lake.
According to authorities, the driver and a passenger both jumped out of the car before it entered the water and fled the scene on foot. They claim to have located both individuals hiding nearby and placed them both in custody. The driver is reportedly facing numerous charges in relation to the incident, including allegations of driving under the influence and evading authorities.
Where to turn
When facing DUI charges, individuals in Georgia may wish to take every possible measure to protect their futures, but they might not know where to turn for guidance in the process. Those who stand accused of similar offenses could find it helpful to consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible for advice in making informed choices about their situations. An attorney can help a client better understand what to expect from the process and assist in developing a strategy with which to seek the best outcome achievable during subsequent court proceedings.