Navigating through new waters when it comes to working together as co-parents after a divorce can be challenging. Georgia co-parents may be interested in learning some strategies to help them deal with the most common issues they will face after a divorce.
One of the most important things a co-parent can do is try to maintain consistency in the lives of the children. Co-parents can work together to maintain this consistency by drawing up a standard routine that the children will need to follow. Agreeing on discipline methods and family rules that apply in both households will help the children feel secure.
Parents often feel like they are missing out on important moments in the children’s lives after divorce since they share time with the children. Wise co-parents share these important moments by snapping pictures and sending them to the other parent.
The way co-parents communicate will either have a positive or negative effect on the children. When co-parents speak of each other in a positive way and focus on the good, this benefits each individual and the children. The co-parents should communicate with each other directly instead of asking the children to relay messages. Some have found that it is helpful to use email or text messages to keep conversations positive and documented.
It can be beneficial to allow some flexibility in the parenting or visitation schedule. When requests are made to change the schedule and no harm is done, this may allow children to enjoy activities or recreation that they will benefit from.
Many co-parents have been able to successfully raise healthy and happy children. There are other situations where one co-parent is seriously concerned about the well-being of their children and feels that their current parenting schedule is not in the best interests of the children. An attorney may be able to answer questions about changing parenting plans, child custody and child support. If necessary, an attorney may be able to represent a client in court and argue for their fitness as a parent.