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Cohabitation can cause some marriages to crumble

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2018 | Divorce |

Couples in Georgia may feel the impact of the premarital cohabitation effect if they live together before marriage. While scientists had doubted that this effect still existed, research says that it still applies over long periods of time. However, researchers did acknowledge that there is a greater risk of divorce in the short-term for those who didn’t live together prior to getting married. This is because they may have a greater adjustment to make as it relates to sharing a living space.

The study outlining these findings was published in the September issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family. Among couples who lived together before marriage, the risk of getting a divorce was reduced only during their first year together. Afterward, the chances of the marriage ending went up. According to The Institute for Family Studies, the evidence goes against the popular belief that living with a partner before getting married would be a good thing for the relationship.

Even if a couple doesn’t get divorced, they could experience more problems compared to those who didn’t live together while dating. Researchers used data from the National Surveys of Family Growth to conduct the study. It focused on women aged 44 and younger who were married for the first time between 1970 and 2015.

Individuals who are thinking about getting a divorce will ideally speak with an attorney prior to doing so. This will make it easier to create a strategy as to how to dissolve the marriage in a timely manner. An attorney may suggest documents or other records that may be needed to obtain leverage in settlement talks. Legal counsel could also help a person decide whether it is best to settle through mediation, arbitration or by asking a judge to make a ruling.


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