Over the course of your marriage, you and your spouse likely acquired a considerable amount of property. From major purchases like your house and vehicles to smaller assets like furniture and electronics, you share ownership of a variety of bits and pieces. Now that...
Georgia election marred by accusation of spousal spat
Have you ever noticed that people tell you to remain calm at all the wrong times? Sometimes, a request to smooth a mood is all we need to unleash on someone. However, if you're going through a divorce or even an argument with a spouse, you should actually remain calm...
A prenuptial agreement can provide asset protection
Those who are considering marriage in Georgia should be aware of a prenuptial agreement and how it can help them. What this agreement does is protect spouses in the event of a divorce by spelling out ahead of time what the terms of the property division are. This...
More older Americans are divorcing
While overall divorce rates in Georgia and across the nation have declined over the past 20 years, statistics show that divorce among older Americans has skyrocketed. In fact, the number of couples splitting up after the age of 50 doubled between 1990 and 2010....
Postnuptial agreements for small business owners
Small business owners in Georgia may want to take special care to protect their companies from a divorce or dissolution. This is especially true for the founders of new startups who are looking for investments from venture capital companies. Many business advisers...
January is popular month for divorce filings
For people in Georgia, the holiday season is often a time of family gatherings and parties. When January rolls around, however, many couples decide that its time to file the divorce paperwork. The month of January is called "divorce month" by some people in the legal...
Creating a financial plan during a divorce
The national divorce rate has fallen to about 39% since the 1980s, but there is no guarantee that a Georgia couple won't experience divorce themselves. Therefore, a married partner should be prepared ahead of time for the financial consequences a divorce can bring. A...
What to do about the family home in a divorc
One decision some couples in Georgia who are getting a divorce may need to make is what to do with the family home. They may want to sell it, but if one person decides to keep it, they will need to hire one or more appraisers to determine its value. The buyer should...
Self-care during divorce
When a couple in Georgia divorces, it's not unusual for both parties to experience a range of emotions. Some of these feelings may be unfamiliar and unsettling. However, the reality is that having a strong emotional reaction to the end of the marriage is normal. In...
Study examines causes of marital unhappiness
Many people wonder what causes couples to decide to divorce while others stay together and live out their lives successfully. Some conventional wisdom seems to indicate that people tend to become more unhappy with their marriages over time, with the "end of the...