While some rear-end crashes might cause little more than minor damage to the vehicles involved, such incidents still have the potential to be much more severe in nature. Whiplash injuries are a common example of the possible dangers involved with similar incidents,...
Month: January 2022
Collision injures 1, leaves 1 facing DUI charges
Being involved in a serious collision can be a stressful and harrowing experience that could continue to haunt a person throughout life. The process could be even more intimidating should authorities begin to suspect the presence of unlawful behavior. A man in Georgia...
Examining the reasons for a DUI traffic stop
Any time an officer pulls you over for a traffic stop can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. When that traffic stop leads to an arrest, things can get even worse. If you faced DUI charges following a traffic stop, then you may already be examining the...
Using caution with social media during a divorce
In a technological era, there may be many individuals in Georgia and across the nation who wish to use the tools available to remain in constant contact with family members and friends every day. Although many may use this platform to post pictures of vacations or...
Car accident victims could suffer traumatic brain injuries
While some collisions may lead to little more than minor vehicle damage or an inconvenience of time, there is a chance that the outcome of such an incident could prove substantially more devastating. Some injuries stemming from a car accident could lead to permanent...
What protections do unmarried couples need for the future?
Planning for the future is an important step for couples of all ages and income levels, and it is also a critical step for couples regardless of marital status. Unmarried couples will benefit from estate planning as this provides them with certain protections that...
Recent incident leaves Georgia police deputy facing DUI charges
It is no secret that being accused of driving under the influence can be a harrowing experience. Since a conviction for DUI charges carries severe penalties that could have a lingering impact on one’s life, those who face similar allegations might wish to take every...