There are several steps that individuals in Georgia can take to protect their savings in the event of a divorce. First, it can be a good idea to create a budget that will take into account housing, health care and other expenses a person will need to pay on his or her...
Month: June 2019
Fatal pedestrian accidents at an all-time high
There are several reasons that many people today choose to walk during their daily routines. For some, they enjoy the leisure time outdoors; others are concerned about pollution, and some simply do so out of necessity. Overall, the benefits of walking generally...
Possible drunk driving defenses
A motorist in Georgia who is facing a drunk driving charge has certain defense options at their disposal. A common approach to defending against such charges is to question the evidence or the actions of the arresting officer. There are also "affirmative" defenses,...
Roundabouts can save lives and money
Thousands of road deaths and injuries could possibly be prevented each year in Georgia if the state replaced traditional intersections with roundabouts, according to several studies. After looking into the safety benefits of roundabouts, the Federal Highway...
Tips for co-parenting a teenager
For some divorced Georgia parents, co-parenting a teenager can present some challenges. Some parents may assume that the teen is mature enough to need less hands-on parenting. While teens do need to be treated differently from younger children, it is still important...