You can pursue compensation if you suffer an injury on government property in Georgia. However, the process has special steps because the law protects the government. This guide will help you understand what to do. Understand sovereign immunity Sovereign immunity...
The unseen impact of a car accident
In any accident, many people tend to feel relieved in the absence of any apparent injuries. However, when it comes to car wrecks, this assumption can have devastating and long-lasting consequences. In the chaos following a collision, your body floods with adrenaline....
Who is liable for a trespasser’s injury?
Property owners are usually responsible for their visitors and their safety. Whether inviting guests for a friendly visit or conducting business, they have a specific duty of care to these people. Still, an owner's accountability for injuries can vary based on the...
Who’s liable after a dog bite?
Americans are increasingly treating pets as cherished family members, with rising demand for specialized diets, training schools and cozy beds. However, it's crucial to remember that even the friendliest dog may attack if provoked. Although you can hold a pet owner...
Who may be at fault for road traffic accidents?
Injuries due to road traffic accidents can drastically change the lives of victims. They can incur a disability, lose their jobs, and deal with physical, emotional, mental and financial suffering. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), human error causes...
Tragic accident leaves family seeking justice
No Georgia parent wants to think about the possibility of losing a child. Most parents do everything possible to protect their children from danger. Sadly, not all accidents can be prevented, even when a parent takes steps to keep their child safe. A recent accident...
Brushing up on some vital motorcycle safety strategies
With spring underway, there may be many individuals in Georgia who are excited to get out and take advantage of the increase in temperature this season can bring. If you are an avid motorcycle rider, you might see this as a perfect time to gear up to head out on the...
Stay safe this spring while bicycling
As spring weather heats up, Georgia’s roadways may see an increase in bicyclists. Bicycling is a popular way to get around, whether for leisure or as one’s main mode of transportation. Biking is enjoyable to many, but riders need to be safe when traveling in areas...
When is it appropriate to file a personal injury complaint?
When someone is injured in Georgia due to the actions of another person, they may find themselves without the ability to live life as they did before the injury. Some individuals can recover completely, while others may suffer ill effects from the injury for the rest...
Georgia drivers must be extra cautious as kids go back to school
This is the time of year when many kids in Georgia are heading back to school. This means that drivers may experience more traffic in areas where children are catching the school bus and in school zones. Children may also be walking or biking to schools in some areas,...