Building a family is a unique process, never identical with another couple’s story. Adopting a child provides a way to grow one’s family while offering a home to a child in need. Those in Georgia considering adoption have numerous options available to them and can obtain assistance from someone with experience handling the process who may be able to make it go smoother. One family working through an adoption desperately hopes that it will hurry along.
A husband and wife already have a 4-year-old son whom they adopted from South Korea. With this experience in their minds, the couple decided to adopt again. This time they chose a 13-month-old girl from China, who is greatly in need of heart surgery. Although the little girl has previously undergone one surgery, it is crucial that she has the next surgery soon.
Officials are carefully watching the child’s health so that they can determine a safe time for her to travel. Although many international adoptions tend to be drawn out processes, this particular situation has been expedited because of her medical condition. While the couple can travel to see her within the next couple months, finding a time for her to make the long trip may prove to be more challenging.
This couple has chosen adoption not once, but twice. Through this process they will have changed not only the lives of the two children, but also their own. Georgia couples that are interested in adopting a child can take the next step, like this couple, in bringing a child into their home.
Source:, “Waunakee couple hopes adoption finalizes to allow child’s life-s”, Tony Galli, July 8, 2015