Attempting to pass another vehicle on a two-lane road can be dangerous at times, especially when drivers fail to look ahead and spot oncoming vehicles. Those who engage in dangerous passing maneuvers may be at greater risk of causing a head-on crash to occur and...
Car Wrecks
Helping teenagers develop safe driving habits
While many parents may look forward to the day when their children reach the milestone of obtaining their driver's licenses, this can also be a stressful concept at times. The thought of receiving a call that one’s child has been involved in a car accident can be a...
Holiday traffic can lead to more accidents
It’s a busy time of year for many Georgians, which means that there are often more vehicles on the roadways. This increase in traffic can lead to more accidents, increasing the chances of injuries to those who are traveling. Thanksgiving saw several fatalities from...
Reducing car accident risks with defensive driving strategies
Even the thought of being in a collision can be exceedingly intimidating, as the outcome of such a situation could take a dire toll on one’s well-being. While most drivers in Georgia may wish to take every possible measure to protect against similar concerns, they...
Addressing your options when injured in a crash as a passenger
Being in a motor vehicle accident can prove stressful and scary under any situation. Even if you take steps to stave off crash risks by driving defensively, some situations might not be fully under your control. If you ride as a passenger in a vehicle, there might not...
Georgia car accident due to stalled car on highway
An individual was injured in Georgia when his or her car collided with a pickup truck. Police arrived on the scene of the crash to find an injured driver. The accident occurred on a recent Saturday morning. Events leading up to the car crash The Georgia motor...
Increasing safety when driving on wet roads
Driving through rainy weather on wet roadways can be challenging and stressful. Recent data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration suggests that wet roadways are a factor in over a million car accidents every year in Colorado and...
3 killed in multi-vehicle crash involving wrong-way driver
There may be few types of collisions that could prove as devastating in nature as those involving a wrong-way driver. Those who veer into oncoming lanes could be at risk of causing a chain-reaction crash that could pose a threat to the safety and lives of all parties...
Car accident victims could suffer traumatic brain injuries
There are a multitude of injuries one might suffer during a collision, some of which may be minor health concerns that may heal with time. However, certain types of crash injuries could carry severe symptoms that could have a lasting impact on one’s life. Traumatic...
Stay safe when driving after dark
When one is driving on Georgia roadways after dark, the risks for having an accident are higher. The most dangerous time to be on the road is from dusk to dawn. Motor vehicle accidents lead to injuries and deaths each year but many of these accidents are preventable....